Home » Geography » Geography Theory (a)  Define climate. (b)  Describe the three climatic belts recognized by the Greek system of climatic classification….

Geography Theory (a)  Define climate. (b)  Describe the three climatic belts recognized by the Greek system of climatic classification….

(a)  Define climate.

(b)  Describe the three climatic belts recognized by the Greek system of climatic classification.

(c)  Outline three reasons why Koppen’s system of climatic classification is the most widely accepted.


(a)Climate is the long-term average of weather, typically averaged over a period of 30 years. More rigorously, it denotes the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years

(b)The earliest known classification of climate, devised by the Greeks, simply divided each hemisphere into a mathematical climate of three zones, the “summerless,” “intermediate,” and “winterless,” thus accounting only for the latitudinal differences in solar effect (the Greek word klima means “inclination”).

(c)*It is commonly used in teaching at various levels of educational institutions.

    *It is objective.